we're a team

Today, my thoughts on are marriage. For good reason, too. Six years ago today, this was us, heading out into the world as husband and wife for the first time:

(Disclaimer: I'm not actually writing this today - it's my anniversary for crying out loud! This is a scheduled post.)

As you know, I've been reading through the Bible this year. I will finish the Old Testament this coming week! I don't particularly identify with the Old Testament couples. Some are very sweet - like Boaz coming to rescue Ruth. Some are filled with lies and manipulation. Then there's Esther's fairytale marriage.

Us now

The couple I think of most when I think of us, our marriage, and our intentions is from the New Testament. Acts 18: Aquila and Priscilla, serving together, ministering together, discipling together. They were a team, and I've always thought teamwork is one of the strengths of our marriage. What is said about them is the kind of teamwork in following Jesus that I want for us.

Then I read this last week, and I wholeheartedly agree. Why didn't I write that? In Luke 1, we read of Zechariah and Elizabeth before the text moves on to the annunciation to Mary. Both from priestly families, they were both considered righteous and walked blamelessly. From the linked blog post:
Husbands and wives who encourage one another to step into the fullness of God’s call and character, who push each other to become carriers of His authority to the world around them (even when it’s costly), and who keep their vision globally and eternally focused—those marriages are not just happy. They’re dangerous.

Yes, I can go for that, too!

2009 2013 2014


  1. A belated happy anniversary! And yes, I totally agree with you about Christ-centered marriages being dangerous (in a good way).


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